Tahoe Resident Model Structure

The resident model is actually a series of models that attempt to capture multiple aspects of household, person and tour-level travel making decisions. When applied these components essentially take the place of trip generation, trip distribution and mode split that are the more familiar steps of a 4-step model. However because this is an activity-based model, the components cannot be grouped the same way since trip generation is done on a person-by-person basis with trip distribution and mode split integrated along the way.

Model Flow

Population Synthesis and Auto Ownership

Population Synthesizer

The population synthesis procedure is designed to create a list of households in each TAZ with all necessary details regarding the household and person variables used in the travel models and according to specific zonal characteristics; namely, average number of workers in a household per zone, average household size and number of households per income group. The basic idea is to set up a 3-dimensional table for each zone with

  • dimension one being number of households by size (1, 2, 3, 4+),
  • dimension two being number of households by number of workers (1, 2, 3+) and
  • the third dimension being number of households by income category (low, med and high).

The cells in the table are given seed values based on what is given by the Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP) data for the census tract that contains the zone. A procedure called iterative proportional fitting (IPF) or matrix-balancing is then used to adjust the seed values to match the marginal distributions in all dimensions. Once the table has been balanced, each cell is multiplied by the total number of households to give the total number of households per category (size, worker, income combination). Household records from the Public Use Micro-Sample Area (PUMA) that encompasses the zone are randomly drawn that match the given category until all of the households in the table have been accounted for. When the procedure is done for every zone, then the synthetic household and person files are written and saved for later use.

Auto Ownership

The number of autos available to a household is an important variable for explaining household travel behavior. It is included in such subsequent models as tour generation, mode choice, destination choice, and stop frequency/location choice. In the Tahoe AB Model, auto ownership is considered a household-attribute variable; thus, the auto-ownership choice model employs only household and zonal characteristics and is applied before any travel-related model. There are five naturally ordered alternatives;

  • no autos,
  • one auto,
  • two autos,
  • three autos,
  • four or more autos.

The model is a multinomial logit model and predicts each household to have one of these auto ownership levels.

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Auto Ownership Model

Daily Activity Pattern

In the Tahoe AB Model each person in the model area gets to explicitly choose whether to leave the house on the model day and if so whether to go to work and/or school (mandatory tours) or do some kind of non-mandatory travel (joint and/or individual non-mandatory tours). This decision is modeled by the Daily Activity Pattern (DAP) model. A person’s daily activity pattern (DAP) is classified by one of three main types:

  • Mandatory pattern that includes at least one of the two mandatory activities - work or school. This constitutes either a workday or school day, and may include multiple mandatory tours, additional non-mandatory activities such as separate home-based tours or intermediate stops on the mandatory tours.
  • Non-mandatory pattern that includes only household or personal maintenance and discretionary tours. By virtue of the primary purpose definition, maintenance and discretionary tours cannot include travel for mandatory activities.
  • At-home pattern that includes only in-home activities. It should be noted that for simplicity, cases with complete absence from town (business travel) were combined with this category.

The DAP decision is also modeled using a multinomial logit model. The DAP model used in Tahoe AB Model is a coordinated DAP model. This means that the decisions of different individuals in a households are correlated/coordinated. The DAP model has the following alternatives in the model.

  • Work day
    • 1 work tour (not available for preschool children)
    • 2 work tours (not available for children)
    • Work and school tours (available for workers only)
  • School day
    • 1 school tour (available for children only)
    • 2 school tours (available for school children only)
    • School and secondary work tours (available for school children only)
  • Non-mandatory out-of-home activity
  • Full day at home / absent
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Segmented by Person Type

Full Time Worker DAP

Part Time Worker DAP

Non Worker DAP

Driving Age Student DAP

Pre-driving Age Student DAP

Pre-school Child DAP

Mandatory Tour Models

If a person in a household chooses a daily activity pattern with a work or school component, then that person is said to be making a mandatory tour. The mandatory tour destination (D), time-of-day (T), and mode choice model (M) (DTM) determines where that tour will go (the destination), when the tour will happen (the time-of-day), and what mode the person will use to travel during the tour (car, bus, etc). If the daily activity pattern chosen by the individual includes both school and work, then the school tour is processed first, followed by the work tour.

Destination Choice Sub-model

The destination choice model is a multinomial logit model in which each potential destination zone is an alternative. The probability of each zone being chosen is calculated from a utility function, where the utility consists of variables such as distance, income level, and area type. To provide a measure of a zone’s attractiveness based on tour-specific characteristics, a size term is included in the utility expression. Also included in the utility expression is the logsum from the mode choice model, which provides accessibility indices for a destination zone - the higher the logsum, the more accessible (by auto, transit, walking) a zone is.

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Destination choice model

  • workSummer tab used for work destination in summer scenarios
  • workWinter tab used for work destination in winter scenarios
  • school tab used for school destination

Demand Constraints and Shadow Pricing

In the mandatory work destination choice model, the size term (attractiveness measure) of a zone is based on the employment in that zone. However, the destination choice model places no constraints on how many people can choose a given zone for their work destination. Thus, it is possible that more people choose a particular zone as their work destination then there are employment spots. This overfilling of employment is unrealistic and, especially since the target employment distribution among zones is known, should be addressed.

The solution for the overfilling of zonal employment in the model is to use shadow pricing. In this scheme, the mandatory work destination choice model is run several times. If the number of work tours choosing a zone as the destination exceeds the employment in that zone, then a negative penalty (shadow price) is added to the utility of that zone. Conversely, if a zone’s employment is underfilled, a positive shadow price is added to the utility. After a number of iterations, the result is that the work destination choice distribution among zones more closely matches that of the actual employment distribution.

Time-of-Day Sub-model

The time-of-day sub-model is a multinomial logit model in which start/stop hour pairs make up the alternatives. The earliest allowed start/stop time is 5:00 am (corresponding to the 5:00-6:00 hour), and the latest allowed is midnight (corresponding to the 12:00am-1:00am hour). As far as skim periods are concerned, the following definitions are used:

Skim Period Start Time End Time Duration
AM Peak (AM) 7:00 AM 10:00 AM 3 hours
Midday (MD) 10:00 AM 4:00 PM 6 hours
PM Peak (PM) 4:00 PM 7:00 PM 3 hours
Late Night (LN) 7:00 PM 7:00 AM 12 hours
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Time-of-day Model

  • work tab used for escorting tours
  • school tab used for non-escorting individual non-mandatory tours

Mode Choice Sub-model

The mode choice model is a multinomial logit model in which each mode is an alternative. For the mandatory tours, the following alternatives are available:

  • Drive alone
  • Shared auto
  • Walk to transit
  • Drive to transit
  • Non-motorized
  • School bus (school trips made by a child only)

The primary component of the model is travel time, which uses the same coefficient across all modes. For the modes that have costs associated with them (transit has fares, auto modes have operating costs), a value of time factor was estimated; this factor converts dollar costs into time costs, for which a utility can be calculated using the travel time coefficient.

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Mode Choice Model * work tab used for work tours * school tab used for school tours

Joint Tour Models

The joint travel types modeled explicitly in the Tahoe AB Model are limited to fully joint tours generated by shared non-mandatory activity of several household members. Joint Tour sub-models can be grouped into two aggregate categories:

  • Joint Travel Generation Component
  • Joint Tour DTM Component

These components are described in detail in the next sub-sections.

Joint Travel Generation Component

Generation of joint travel is basically an entire-household function, thus the tour-frequency model comes first and is applied at the household level. In order to link joint travel to the persons in the household, two additional models - travel party composition and person participation - are then applied.

Joint Tour Frequency Sub-model

This model is applied to each household. Following are the alternatives of this model:

  • No fully joint tours
  • 1 fully joint tour (available only for households with at least 2 persons not staying at home of which at least one is not a preschool child):
    • Shopping
    • Other maintenance
    • Discretionary
    • Eating out
  • 2 fully joint tours (available only for households with at least 2 persons not staying at home of which at least one is not a preschool child):
    • Shopping / Shopping
    • Shopping / Other maintenance
    • Shopping / Discretionary
    • Shopping / Eating out
    • Other maintenance / Other maintenance
    • Other maintenance / Discretionary
    • Other maintenance / Eating out
    • Discretionary / Discretionary
    • Discretionary / Eating out
    • Eating out / Eating out
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Joint Tour Frequency Model

  • 31_Frequency tab

Travel Party Composition Choice Sub-model

This sub-model is applied to each of the joint tours generated by the joint tour frequency sub-model. The alternatives of this sub-model are the following:

  • Travel party including adults only (available only for households with at least 2 adults not staying at home)
  • Mixed travel party including at least one adult and at least one child (available only for households with at least 1 adult not staying at home and at least 1 child not staying at home)
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Joint Tour Party Composition Model

  • 32_Party_composition tab

Person Participation in Joint Tours Choice Model

It is applied to each joint tour listed in combination with each household member suitable for the travel party and not staying at home. The model has only two alternatives: the person participates in the joint tour or the person does not participate in the joint tour. This sub-model has different eligibility rules and iterations to make sure that the model comes up with a prediction that is consistent with the travel party composition sub-model.

At the end of the above three joint tour generation sub-models, the number of joint tours undertaken by each household and the composition (persons) of each of them is known. The model still needs to predict the characteristics of these joint tours (destination, TOD and mode). This is done in the next model component, the Joint Tour DTM Component.

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Joint Tour person Participation Model

  • 33_Person_participation tab

Joint Tour DTM Component

If a household chooses to make a joint tour, the joint tour destination, time-of-day, and mode choice model (DTM) determines where that tour will go (the destination), when the tour will happen (the time-of-day), and how the tour participants will travel during the tour (the mode). When the model is applied, each tour party making a joint tour is treated as a separate and independent decision making unit.

The DTM models for the joint tours are very similar to the mandatory tour’s DTM. One important difference is that joint tour destination choice models do not have demand constraining/shadow pricing. This is because, unlike mandatory tours, joint tours (which are non-mandatory) do not have destination constraints.

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Destination choice model

  • jointShop tab used for joint shopping tours
  • jointMaint tab used for joint maintenance tours
  • jointDisc tab used for joint discretionary tours
  • jointEat tab used for joint eating tours

Time-of-day Model

  • joint tab used for all joint tours

Mode Choice Model

Individual Non-mandatory tour Models

Individual non-mandatory tour models are also composed of several sub-models and can be grouped into two aggregate categories:

  • Individual Non-Mandatory Tour Generation Model
  • Individual Non-Mandatory Tour DTM Component

Each of these two components will be described next in detail.

Individual Non-Mandatory Tour Generation Model

The individual tour generation model for non-mandatory activity includes 3 choice sub-models applied successively:

  • Sub-model for individual tours for household maintenance (i.e. grocery shopping, mail pick-up) activities allocated to a household members. Though these tours are implemented individually, the basic need for this activity relates to the entire household. This model is subdivided into two parts:
    • Household tour frequency choice for maintenance activities - there are 36 alternative in this model - resulting from all combinations of allowed number of escorting, shopping and maintenance tours. Households can have 0, 1, or 2 escorting tours. 0, 1, or 2 shopping tours. 0, 1, 2, or 3 maintenance tours.
    • Allocation of maintenance tours to a household member - the alternatives for this model is the following: Full-time workers, Part-time workers, Non-working adults, School pre-driving age children, School driving age children.
  • Sub-model for individual tours for personal discretionary (i.e. going to the movies, taking a drive) activities; it is assumed that these activities are generated and scheduled at the person level without significant interaction among household members. The alternatives for this model are: no individual discretionary tours, 1 individual discretionary tour, and 2 individual discretionary tours.
  • Sub-model for non-home-based sub-tours at work. The alternatives for this model are: No at-work sub-tours, 1 at-work sub-tour for business-related purpose, 1 at-work sub-tour for other (maintenance) purpose, and 2 at-work sub-tours for business-related purpose.

Individual tours generated by allocated maintenance activities are modeled first for each person conditional upon the chosen daily pattern and participation in joint household tours. Since these activities are generated by the entire household and then allocated to particular members, it is important to follow an underlying intra-household allocation process.

Individual tours for personal discretionary activities are modeled next because they normally have a lower priority in scheduling. Intra-household linkage is less important at this stage. Person availability in terms of time window left after scheduling the mandatory activities, joint activities, and allocated activities becomes the most crucial determinant.

Work-based sub-tours are modeled last. They are relevant only for those persons who implement at least one work tour. These underlying activities are mostly individual (business-related and eating-out purposes), but may include some household maintenance functions as well that are linked to the person and entire-household maintenance tasks.

Individual Non-Mandatory Tour DTM Component

If a person chooses to make an individual non-mandatory tour, the individual non-mandatory tour destination, time-of-day, and mode choice model (DTM) determines where that tour will go (the destination), when the tour will happen (the time-of-day), and how the tour participants will travel during the tour (the mode). The DTM models for the individual non-mandatory tours are very similar to the joint tour’s DTM.

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Destination choice model

  • escorting tab used for escorting tours
  • indShop tab used for shopping tours
  • indMaint tab used for maintenance tours
  • indDisc tab used for discretionary tours
  • indEat tab used for eat-out tours
  • atwork tab used for At-work sub-tours

Time-of-day Model

  • escorting tab used for escorting tours
  • individual tab used for non-escorting individual non-mandatory tours
  • atwork tab used for At-work sub-tours

Mode Choice Model

Stop Models

In any given tour up to one outbound and one inbound stop is allowed. An outbound stop is one that occurs during the trip to the primary destination, whereas an inbound stop is one that occurs on the way back to the tour origin. The structure is similar to those used for the various tour models, only without the time-of-day sub-model (when the stop occurs is fixed by the tour start/end time). In the stops model, each tour is treated as an independent entity, and once the stop frequency is chosen, each stop is treated independently. Regardless of the tour purpose, the structure of the stops model consists of the following steps:

  • A stops frequency model (how many stops are made) - it is a multinomial logit model with four alternatives:
    • 0 Stops
    • 1 Outbound Stop
    • 1 Inbound Stop
    • 1 Outbound and 1 Inbound stop
  • A stop location model (where the stop occurred) - it is a multinomial logit model in which each potential destination zone is an alternative. Because the stop is a sub-tour, the distance the stop adds to the tour is used as a distance penalty in the utility. This distance is calculated as either the absolute (actual) difference or relative difference, the latter of which is the absolute difference divided by the distance without the stop. To provide a measure of a zone’s attractiveness based on tour-specific characteristics, a size term is included in the utility expression.
  • A mode choice (how the tour participant(s) traveled to/from the stop) - The stop mode choice model is essentially a logical determination if certain tour legs should be non-motorized. This only applies to transit tours, as it is assumed that if the tour mode is drive (alone or shared ride) or non-motorized, then that mode will be used for all trip legs.
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Stop Frequency model

  • 81_stopfreq_ind_mand tab used for mandatory tours
  • 81_stopfreq_ind_nonmand tab used for individual non-mandatory tours
  • 81_stopfreq_joint tab used for joint tours
  • 81_stopfreq_atwork tab used for at-work tours

Stop Location Model

  • The model is stratified by trip type (12 categories), tour mode (Auto or Transit), and stop type (Inbound or Outbound).

Mode Choice Model

  • This model is applied only to transit tours.

Systems Analysis Group, WSP USA 2018