This page documents the data dictionary of the all the major inputs and outputs used and produced in the Tahoe AB model.
These are input data that are not specific to a partcilar scenario. They are stored under the /reference/model_data directory.
This file maps the zones to districts. It is a CSV format plain text file.
Attribute Name | Attribute Description | Attribute Detail |
taz | the zone number | Integer |
county_district | the county the zone sits in , using the following correspondence scheme | 1. Washoe 2. Carson City 3. Douglas 4. El Dorado 5. Placer 6. External Zone |
district | a custom district system using the following correspondence | 1. North Shore 2. South Shore 3. External Zone |
ext_zone | an external zone indicator; if the zone is an external zone, the value is the external zone number, otherwise it is zero | Integer |
This file contains geographic information about each zone. It is a CSV format plain text file.
Attribute Name | Attribute Description | Attribute Detail |
taz | the zone number | Integer |
census_tract | the census tract the zone (mostly) belongs to | Integer |
block_group | the census block group the zone (mostly) belongs to | Integer |
puma | the census puma (1%) the zone belongs to | Integer |
county | the county the zone belongs to | String |
county_code | the FIPS code of the county the zone belongs in | Integer |
state | the state the zone belongs in | String |
state_code | the FIPS state code the county belongs in | Integer |
full_census_code | the full census code of the census geography the zone belongs to | Integer |
area_in_sq_miles | the area of the zone in square miles | Float |
This file contains information for the various external zone size term calculations. It is a CSV format plain text file.
Attribute Name | Attribute Description | Attribute Detail |
zone | the external zone number | |
intWorkSizeCoeffSummer | the coefficient that will be multiplied by the full internal zonal employment to get an employment figure to use for the summer size term | |
intWorkSizeCoeffWinter | same as intWorkSizeCoeffSummer, only for the winter season | |
extWorkSizePercentSummer | the percent of all of the external workers expected to come from each external zone in the summer | |
extWorkSizePercentWinter | same as extWorkSizePercentSummer, only for the winter season | |
ovDCSizePercentRec | the percent of the intWorkSizeCoeffSummer/ Winter to use for the overnight destination choice size term for recreation tours | |
ovDCSizePercentGam | same as ovDCSizePercentRec, only for gaming tours | |
ovDCSizePercentShp | same as ovDCSizePercentRec, only for shopping tours | |
ovDCSizePercentOth | same as ovDCSizePercentRec, only for other tours | |
ovDCSizePercentOth | same as ovDCSizePercentRec, only for tour stops |
This file contains information for the day visitor synthetic population generator. There is a separate file for each season. It is a CSV format plain text file.
Attribute Name | Attribute Description | Attribute Detail |
zone | the external zone number | |
overnight2day | the percentage of overnight visitor count to use as the day visitor percentage | |
percentThru | the percentage of day visitors to use as thru-visitors |
These are input data that are specific to a partcilar scenario. They are stored under the /scenarios/SCENARIO_NAME directory.
This file contains information on school enrollment within each zone. It is a CSV format plain text file.
Attribute Name | Attribute Description | Attribute Detail |
taz | the zone number | |
elementary_school_enrollment | the elementary school enrollment | |
middle_school_enrollement | the middle_school_enrollment | |
high_school_enrollment | the high school enrollment | |
college_enrollment | the college enrollment, including community colleges and an estimate of the college enrollment of internal residents in external zones |
This file contains the socioeconomic data for the region. There is a separate file for each season. It is a CSV format plain text file.
Attribute Name | Attribute Description | Attribute Detail |
taz | the zone number | |
total_residential_units | the total housing units (occupied and unoccupied) | |
census_occ_rate | the residential occupation rate (generally derived from the U.S. Census) | |
total_occ_units | the total occupied housing units (total_residential_units times census_occ_rate, rounded to nearest unit) | |
occ_units_low_inc | the total number of housing units occupied by low income households | |
occ_units_med_inc | the total number of housing units occupied by medium income households | |
occ_units_high_inc | the total number of housing units occupied by high income households | |
persons_per_occ_unit | the average number of persons per occupied unit | |
total_persons | population of the zone (total_occ_units time persons_per_occ_unit, rounded off to nearest person) | |
emp_retail | the total retail employment | |
emp_srvc | the total service employment | |
emp_rec | the total recreation employment | |
emp_game | the total gaming employment | |
emp_other | the total other employment |
This file gives information about the overnight visitor capacities; i.e. the maximum number of overnight accomodations within each zone. It also contains information concerning the beaches in zones. There is a separate file for each season. It is a CSV format plain text file.
Attribute Name | Attribute Description | Attribute Detail |
taz | the zone number | |
hotelmotel | the number of hotel/motel (not casino or resort) rooms | |
resort | the number of resort hotel (not casino) rooms | |
casino | the number of casino hotel (not resort) rooms | |
campground | the number of campsites | |
percentHouseSeasonal | the percentage of unoccupied houses in the zone which are potentially occupied by seasonal residents; the remaining unoccupied houses will potentially be occupied by non-seasonal overnight visitors | |
beach | the relative attractiveness of beaches in the zone. If a zone has no beaches, this value is zero; since this is a relative attractiveness, the absolute value does not matter (zone A with an attractiveness of 1 and B with an attractiveness of 2 is the same as A with 2 and B with 4) |
This file gives information concerning the actual occupancy levels of the overnight visitor stay types. This is used, in conjunction with OvernightVisitorZonalData_[Summer/Winter].csv to generate a overnight visitor synthetic population. There is a separate file for each season. It is a CSV format plain text file.
Attribute Name | Attribute Description | Attribute Detail |
taz | the zone number | |
hotelmotel | the occupancy rate for hotel/motel stay type (not casino or resort) | |
resort | the occupancy rate for resort hotel (not casino) | |
casino | the occupancy rate for casino hotel (not resort) | |
campground | the occupancy rate for campgrounds (should be zero in the winter) | |
house | the occupancy rate for non-seasonal overnight visitors staying in houses | |
seasonal | the occupancy rate for seasonal visitors |
ExternalDistanceMatrix.mtx is a transcad matrix file and has the distance to the seven external stations from all TAZ nodes (in addition to the network coded distance). The external zone Node IDs are 12562, 12563, 12564, 12565, 12566, 12567, 12568. During the highway skimming step this distance is added to the network skimmed distance to get the total drive distance for each TAZ pair.
The outputs from the data are stored in the ouputs_SEASON folder of the scenario folder. Outputs can be divided into demand model outputs and traffic assignment outputs; these will be discussed next.
These files are the outputs from the resident, external worker and the visitor models. Each of the submodels discussed in the earlier sections produce their own outputs. Many of these outputs are used in performing calibration and model validation; however, they are not typically used in analysing the outputs of a run. The table below describes the contents of each of these files and the associated module (resident/external worker/visitor).
Output File Name | Output File Description | Category |
AccessibilityToEmployment.csv | Zonal Accessibility Files | Resident |
AtWorkDTMChoice.csv | At-Work Tour Destination, Time-of-Day and Mode Choice Model Results | Resident |
At-WorkStopFrequency.csv | At-Work Stop Frequency Model Results | Resident |
At-WorkStopLocation.csv | At-Work Stop Location Model Results | Resident |
At-WorkStopMode.csv | At-Work Stop Mode Choice Model Results | Resident |
DiscFrequency_Children.csv | Discretionary Frequency Model Results - Children | Resident |
DiscFrequency_Nonworkers.csv | Discretionary Frequency Model Results - Nonworkers | Resident |
DiscFrequency_Workers.csv | Discretionary Frequency Model Results - Workers | Resident |
ExternalWorkerSynpopWithOT.csv | External Worker Population Synthesis Results | External Worker |
Final_Targets.csv | Final Control Totals for Resident Population Population Synthesis | Resident |
IndivAtWorkFreq.csv | Individual At-Work Tour Frequency Model Results | Resident |
JointDTMChoice.csv | Joint Tour Destination, Time-of-Day and Mode Choice Model Results | Resident |
JointStopFrequency.csv | Joint Tour Stop Frequency Model Results | Resident |
JointStopLocation.csv | Joint Tour Stop Location Model Results | Resident |
JointStopMode.csv | Joint Tour Stop Mode Choice Model Results | Resident |
JointTourComposition.csv | Joint Tour Composition Details | Resident |
JointTourGeneration.csv | Joint Tour Generation Intermediate Variables | Resident |
JointTourParticipation.csv | Joint Tour Participation Details | Resident |
MaintenanceAllocation.csv | Allocation of maintenance tours to a household member | Resident |
MaintenanceFrequency.csv | Household Tour Frequency Model for maintenance activities | Resident |
MandatoryDTMChoice.csv | Mandatory Tour Destination, Time-of-Day and Mode Choice Model Results | Resident |
MandatoryStopFrequency.csv | Mandatory Tour Stop Frequency Model Results | Resident |
MandatoryStopLocation.csv | Mandatory Tour Stop Location Model Results | Resident |
MandatoryStopMode.csv | Mandatory Tour Stop Mode Choice Model Results | Resident |
MergedZonalData.csv | Merged Zonal Data with employment and household data | Generic |
NonMandatoryDTMChoice.csv | Non-Mandatory Tour Destination, Time-of-Day and Mode Choice Model Results | Resident |
Non-MandatoryStopFrequency.csv | Non-Mandatory Tour Stop Frequency Model Results | Resident |
Non-MandatoryStopLocation.csv | Non-Mandatory Tour Stop Location Model Results | Resident |
Non-MandatoryStopMode.csv | Non-Mandatory Tour Stop Mode Choice Model Results | Resident |
SocioEconWithLaborForce.csv | Merged Zonal Socio-Economic Data | Generic |
SynPopH_Full.csv | Synthesized Resident Population - Household Level - Detailed | Resident |
SynPopHPlusAutoOwnership.csv | Synthesized Resident Population - Household Level | Resident |
SynPopP.csv | Synthesized Resident Population - Person Level | Resident |
trip_file.csv | Trip File for all the Trips | Generic |
UrbanType.csv | Zonal Population Density Data | Generic |
VisitorReportData.csv | Visitor Model Outputs for all the Visitors | Visitor |
Among these output, the most important output is the trip file and the fields of this file is described in detail in the table below.
Attribute Name | Attribute Description | Attribute Detail |
tripID | Unique Trip ID | |
tourID | Unique Tour ID | |
partyTypeID | The party segment | 0. Resident 1. Overnight Visitor 2. Day Visitor 3. Through Visitor 9. External Worker |
partyType | The party segment string | |
partyID | Party ID - unique for residents, external workers, and visitors | |
persons | Number of persons in the trip | |
personList | Person List | |
tripTypeID | Trip Type - seperate mapping for residents, and visitors. See tripType attribute | |
tripType | Trip Purpose fo residents and overnight and day visitors. | Gaming, Other Recreation and Shopping for day visitors and overnight visitors. AtWorkOther,Discretionary, Eat, Escort, Maintenance, School, Shop and Work for Residents. External Work of External workers. Thru for Through visitors. |
leg | Inbound/outbound/intermediate leg of the trip Origin refer to Tour Origin Destination refer to Tour Destination | ij = Outbound Origin-Destination is = Outbound Origin-Stop sj = Outbound Stop-Destination ji = Inbound Destination-Origin js = Inbound Destination-Stop si = Inbound Stop-Origin t = Through trip |
startTaz | Origin TAZ | |
endTaz | Destination TAZ | |
time | Tour start hour | 5 = 5 AM to 6 AM 6 = 6 AM to 7 AM … 22 = 10 PM to 11 PM 23 = 11 PM to 5 AM -1 = Model doesn’t have hourly resolution: Through trips and external worker trips. |
skim | Trip start skim period | 1 = AM ( 7:00 AM to 10:00 AM) 2 = PM ( 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM) 3 = MD (10:00 AM to 4:00 PM) 4 = LN ( 7:00 PM to 7:00 AM) |
mode | Mode of the trip |
These files are outputs from the traffic assignment module. It has the network link volumes and other network related outputs.
Field Name | Field Description |
AB/BA_[PRD]_Cap | Capacity of the Link (In AB or BA direction) for the Time-of-Day Period PRD |
AB/BA_[PRD]_Flow | Flow of the Link (In AB or BA direction) for the Time-of-Day Period PRD |
AB/BA_[PRD]_IVTT | In-Vehicle Travel Time of the Link (In AB or BA direction) for the Time-of-Day Period PRD |
AB/BA_[PRD]_VMT | Vehicle Miles Traveled of the Link (In AB or BA direction) for the Time-of-Day Period PRD |
AB/BA_[PRD]_VOC | Volume over capacity of the Link (In AB or BA direction) for the Time-of-Day Period PRD |
AB/BA_Speed | Speed of the link in Miles/hr |
AB/BA_FF_TravelTime | Computed Free Flow Speed Travel Time in minutes |
AB/BA_TT_Multiplier | Travel Time Multiplier used to get the free flow speed |
AB/BA_Lanes | Number of lanes |
AB/BA_FC | Facility Type |
AB/BA_WalkTime | Walk Time in minutes |
AB/BA_Cap | Lane Per Hour Capacity |
The report files are also generated along with the outputs and various different summaries that can be used by a user to understand the model result.
Field Name | Field Description |
atworkStopsFull.csv | At-work subtour stops summary |
indDTMFull.csv | Individual Non-mandatory tour DTM summary |
indTourFull.csv | Individual Non-mandatory tour frequency summary |
jointDTMFull.csv | Joint Non-mandatory tour DTM summary |
jointStopsFull.csv | Joint tour stops summary |
jtFull.csv | Joint Tour frequency summary |
mandSchoolFull.csv | Mandatory Tour DTM summary |
mandStopsFull.csv | Mandatory tour stops summary |
mandWorkFull.csv | Mandatory Tour frequency summary |
nonmandStopsFull.csv | Mandatory Tour DTM summary - detailed |
visitorDTMFull.csv | Visitor tour DTM summary |
visitorPatternFull.csv | Visitor pattern full summary |
visitorStopsFull.csv | Visitor tour stops summary |
autoocc_summary.csv | Auto Occupancy summary for different market segments |
tour_length_summary.csv | Tour length summary for different market segments |
trip_length_summary.csv | Trip length summary for different market segments |
vmt_summary.csv | VMT Summary for different market segments |
modelSummary.txt | Aggregate summary for all the demand models |
In addition to the above summaries, VMT summary from the highway assignment output is created on the fly when the “Assignment Summary” button is clicked from the graphical interface.
Systems Analysis Group, WSP USA 2018